
This read will take you through various aspects of permissioned EVM networks, including their architectural nuances, the potential and limitations they harbor, diverse industry applications, and the critical role of interoperability with other blockchain networks. To some degree we also contrast their functionalities and advantages with their unpermissioned counterparts. We’ll further peek into the future, exploring emerging trends and the integration of advanced technologies like AI and IoT within permissioned EVM networks.

Welcome to our latest exploration of the dynamic world of digital assets, where we chose to delve into the intricate realm of permissioned EVM Networks – an increasingly pivotal aspect of blockchain technology – in today’s blog post.

Understanding permissioned EVM networks

At its core, a permissioned EVM network is a private blockchain network that operates on the Ethereum protocol but restricts access to a select group of users.

Permissioned EVM networks contrasts sharply with unpermissioned, public ones, which are open to anyone and characterized by their decentralization and transparency. Unlike their public counterparts, permissioned networks offer enhanced control, privacy, and scalability, making them highly attractive for specific business and organizational uses.

In this article our goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of permissioned EVM networks, highlighting how they are shaping the future of blockchain applications and the challenges they face in this rapidly evolving domain.

Architectural Deep Dive

The next few paragraphs provides some insight into the architectural framework of permissioned EVM networks. Understanding the technical structure of these networks is key to appreciating their unique functionalities, how they stand apart from unpermissioned networks and what use cases they suit.

Technical components of permissioned EVM networks:

Access Control Layer: At the heart of a permissioned EVM network is its access control layer. This is where the network defines and enforces who can participate. Unlike public networks, where anyone can join, permissioned networks have strict entry protocols, often managed by a consortium or a single organization.

Consensus Mechanism: Permissioned networks typically employ consensus mechanisms that are more centralized compared to public networks. Protocols like Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) or variants thereof are common, offering faster transaction times and greater scalability.

Smart Contract Functionality: Like public EVM networks, permissioned networks fully support smart contracts. However, the deployment and execution of these contracts are usually overseen by network administrators, ensuring adherence to the network’s specific rules and policies.

Privacy and Security Protocols: Enhanced privacy is a hallmark of permissioned networks. They often incorporate additional layers of encryption and privacy features, like private transactions or confidential contracts, which are not visible on the public ledger.

Technical Structure of unpermissioned public EVM networks:

Open Participation: Anyone can join and participate in the network, whether it’s to mine, execute smart contracts, or make transactions. This openness is foundational to the decentralized nature of public networks.

Consensus Mechanism: Public EVM networks like Ethereum use Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS) mechanisms to reach consensus on the truth (world state). These mechanisms are designed for decentralised environments, and often come at the cost of speed and scalability.

Transparent Ledger: All transactions and smart contract interactions on public networks are transparent and can be viewed by anyone, ensuring a high level of transparency and auditability.

Smart Contract Deployment: Any user can deploy smart contracts without needing permissions from network authorities, fostering an environment of open innovation and development.

In summary, the architecture of permissioned EVM networks is designed for controlled access and enhanced privacy, while unpermissioned networks prioritize openness, equality, censorship-resistance and decentralization.

Exploring the potential of permissioned EVM Networks

Currently active EVM projects show, that the potential of permissioned EVM networks is considerable, particularly in scenarios where control, privacy, and efficiency are paramount. In more traditional use cases that demand strict data privacy, compliance with regulatory standards, or where the involvement of participants needs to be carefully curated, these networks are often the preferred choice over unpermissioned solutions. For instance, in sectors like finance, healthcare, and government, the need for confidentiality and controlled access to sensitive data makes seems to make permissioned networks a more popular choice.

One of the key innovations permissioned networks bring to the blockchain space is the ability to marry the benefits of decentralization with the necessities of compliance and privacy. While they may not offer the same level of decentralization as public networks, they still leverage core blockchain principles such as immutability, traceability, and security. This hybrid approach allows organizations to harness the power of blockchain for streamlined operations, improved audit trails, and enhanced security, without exposing sensitive data or processes to the public. Often they can also handle a higher throughput of transactions and operate with greater speed due to their more centralized consensus mechanisms. This makes them highly efficient for enterprise applications that require quick and reliable transaction processing.

Governance Models in Permissioned Networks

Unlike public blockchains where governance is typically decentralized and community-driven, private permissioned networks adopt a centralized and – as the name suggests – a permissioned approach. This allows for streamlined decision-making and control but also raises questions about power concentration and potential biases, see more below.

In these networks, governance is usually in the hands of a selected group of entities or a consortium. This group is responsible for crucial decisions like network upgrades, protocol changes, and participant admission. The governance model can vary from one network to another, ranging from democratic voting systems where each member has a say, to hierarchical models where decision-making is confined to a limited number of high-stake participants.

The governance model at play significantly influences the network’s adaptability, security, and trustworthiness. For instance, a well-balanced governance model can ensure that the network swiftly adapts to technological advancements and changing regulatory landscapes while maintaining a high degree of security and operational integrity.

The governance of private permissioned EVM networks is a delicate balance between efficiency and fairness, requiring careful design and ongoing oversight to ensure that it aligns with the network’s objectives and the interests of its stakeholders.

Navigating impacts, limitations and challenges

While permissioned EVM networks offer tailored solutions for specific enterprise needs, it’s essential to point out their impact on the foundational principles of blockchain technology: decentralization and censorship resistance.

The efficiency and scalability advantages of permissioned networks also come at the cost of reduced network robustness and security, which are strengths of the decentralized consensus mechanisms in public networks. The reliance on a smaller set of validators in permissioned networks renders them more susceptible to security risks, like collusion or targeted attacks, which are less of a concern in widely distributed public networks. This is often antidoted by traditional firewalls and comparable security measures though.

Concerns and limitations in overview

Limited DecentralizationCentralized control leads to concentration of power, diverging from blockchain’s decentralization ethos.
Network SecuritySmaller number of validators might increase vulnerability to security risks like the 51% attack.
Stifling InnovationClosed ecosystem may limit community-driven development and innovation.
Interoperability IssuesUnique configurations can create challenges in integrating with other blockchain networks.
Scalability vs. Security Trade-offPrioritizing efficiency often comes at the cost of robust security mechanisms.
Adoption BarriersNeed for a governing body or consortium can hinder adoption, especially in competitive sectors.
Regulatory and Compliance ConcernsOperating in a legal gray area with evolving regulations, especially concerning privacy and data protection.

So – while permissioned EVM networks mark an innovative step in the blockchain domain, catering to specific industry needs, they also pose critical questions about the compromise on decentralization and censorship resistance. This evolution highlights the ongoing debate in the blockchain community about finding the right balance between innovation, privacy, efficiency, and the foundational principles of decentralization and openness.

Use cases in selected industries

Permissioned EVM networks have found practical and impactful use cases across various industries, demonstrating their suitability for current levels of innovation and feasible blockchain implementations especially for corporations.

In the finance sector, these networks have been instrumental in streamlining processes like cross-border payments, trade finance, and asset tokenization. Financial institutions seem mostly comfortable in combining inherent features of blockchain with hightened privacy and control with to execute transactions more efficiently and securely. A notable case study is J.P. Morgan’s Quorum, a permissioned variant of Ethereum, used for interbank payments and the settlement of securities, demonstrating improved efficiency in transaction processing and reduced counterparty risks.

The sustainability sector also benefits from permissioned networks, especially in supply chain management and traceability. For instance, IBM’s Food Trust, built on a permissioned blockchain, allows for enhanced transparency in the food supply chain, enabling consumers to track the origin and journey of food products. This not only ensures quality and safety but also aids in reducing waste and improving sustainability practices in the food industry.

In real estate, these networks are revolutionizing property transactions and management. By tokenizing real estate assets, they facilitate fractional ownership and streamline the buying, selling, and leasing processes. A pioneering example is the Real Estate Consortium in New York, which uses a permissioned blockchain for managing property titles and records, significantly reducing the time and cost involved in real estate transactions while enhancing security and trust among parties.

These few examples show nicely the adaptability of permissioned EVM networks across different sectors, with tailored solutions that harness the benefits of blockchain technology while addressing industry-specific requirements and challenges. Next we see what happens when use cases require cross-network interoperability.

Interoperability with other blockchain networks

Interoperability between permissioned and unpermissioned EVM networks (and with other non-Ethereum blockchains) is a critical area we want to briefly analyse here. The ability of different blockchain networks to communicate and share information seamlessly is vital for creating an integrated and efficient blockchain ecosystem in the long term.

Challenges: The key challenge for interoperability of different networks is the inherent differences in the protocols, consensus mechanisms, and governance models. Permissioned networks often have unique configurations tailored to specific use cases, which can make it difficult to establish common ground for interaction with open and decentralized unpermissioned networks. Concerns about privacy and security in permissioned networks can further complicate direct interactions with public blockchains, which are transparent by design.

Solutions: Cross-chain technology, such as blockchain bridges, allows for the transfer of assets and data between different blockchain networks, facilitating interoperability. Another approach is the use of interoperable blockchain platforms that can support multiple types of networks, offering a unified framework for both permissioned and unpermissioned blockchains to interact.


  • Hyperledger project, which includes tools like Hyperledger Cacti, designed to enable secure and decentralized cross-chain transactions.
  • The collaboration between Microsoft’s Azure Blockchain Service, a platform for building permissioned blockchain applications, and the Ethereum mainnet, enabling Ethereum Blockchain as a Service (EBaaS) on the Azure cloud platform.

These efforts towards interoperability not only expand the functionalities of permissioned EVM networks but also pave the way for a more cohesive and powerful blockchain landscape, where diverse networks can coexist and cooperate.

Trends and Innovations in permissioned networks

Like the rest of blockchain innovation, permissioned EVM networks are evolving fast, driven by emerging trends that promise to shape their future.

One of these trends is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) with blockchain technology. AI can enhance decision-making processes within these networks, offering advanced analytics and smarter contract automation, while IoT integration allows for a seamless and secure exchange of data between interconnected devices and blockchain systems. These synergies have the potential to revolutionize sectors like supply chain management, where real-time tracking and automated decision-making can greatly improve efficiency and transparency.

Another focal development are enhanced privacy features within permissioned networks, through technologies like zero-knowledge proofs. This would allow the networks to execute transactions and smart contracts with an even higher level of privacy and security, broadening their applicability in sensitive sectors.

Also, as quantum computing becomes more advanced, permissioned EVM networks are likely to adapt to the potential risks and opportunities it presents. Quantum-resistant cryptographic methods are being explored to safeguard these networks against future quantum-based threats.

Conclusion and Call to Action

As we’ve navigated through this introduction to the world of Permissioned EVM networks, it’s clear that they offer a unique blend of blockchain’s core principles with the adaptability needed for specific business and organizational use cases. From enhancing security and privacy in the finance sectors to enabling efficient and transparent supply chains in sustainability, these networks took over a significant niche in the blockchain ecosystem. However, their existence is challenged by many as they refute the original dogmas of blockchain invention of censorship-resistance and equal access for all. Challenges like maintaining the balance between decentralization and control, ensuring interoperability, and adapting to emerging technologies like AI and IoT, remain key areas for development.

The future of permissioned EVM networks seems poised for further innovation, and particularly as the demand on a connected world of blockchain networks grows.

Now, we turn the conversation over to you, our readers. Your insights, experiences, and questions are invaluable in this ongoing exploration of blockchain technology.

  • What use cases with permissioned networks do you know / have you built?
  • How do you see permissioned EVM networks evolving?
  • What challenges and opportunities do you expect to unfold? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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